

Change is a necessity and is the only constant of life. Change is nature’s way of moving us out of our comfort zone. The one percentile of lawyers – the movers and shakers of the world – not only do they embrace change, but they also seek it. They know that being complacent is the worst enemy.

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business, lady, woman

Handling Emotions

To handle emotions, one hand to be emotionally intelligent. Being emotionally intelligent is a lifetime of practice. It is a learnable skill and highly rewarding. Being emotionally aware is a great asset for a lawyer. It builds the ability to understand and manage emotions in positive ways

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work desk, smart phone, laptop

The Comfort Zone

Few principles of life add value to the growth in every profession and every aspect of life. They impact how one thinks, speaks, and the choices they make in their legal careers. One of the principles worth contemplating is – the comfort zone. It is more of an attitude

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