
New Regulations for Foreign Investment in Indonesia's Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry

In 2021, the Indonesian government, alongside foreign investments in the medical sector, maximized the development of the health industry to promote the expansion of health insurance. The Health Law issued in 2023 replaced mandatory health expenditures with a performance-based budgeting system guided by market demand. This law also introduced...

Submission Deadline for the Investment Activity Report (LKPM)

LKPM is a report on the development of investment realization and issues faced by business actors that is obliged to be prepared and submitted regularly. LKPM is important for the government as it provides insight on investment potential, obstacles and policies that should be implemented by Furthermore, LKPM becomes important for business actors because...

Trademark Renewal in Indonesia

A registered trademark in Indonesia receives a protection period of 10 years from the date of filing. The filing date is defined as the date on which the trademark application is received and all requirements are fulfilled, including the completed application form, trademark label, and proof of payment of registration fees.

House of Representatives Passes the Mother and Child Welfare Law: 6 Months of Maternity Leave and Salary Guarantee for Mothers

The House of Representatives (DPR) has passed the Draft Law on Mother and Child Welfare (Kesejahteraan Ibu dan Anak or KIA) into Law during a plenary session of the DPR, Tuesday (6/4/2024). One of the key points of this law is the guarantee that a mother has the right to maternity leave for up to 6 months. This provision is stated in Article 4 Paragraph (3)...

The United Kingdom as Your Child's Ultimate Educational Adventure

The United Kingdom (UK) shines as a global hub of educational brilliance, offering a myriad of opportunities for students seeking an exhilarating learning voyage. With its prestigious schools, vibrant cultural experiences, and supportive environment for young learners, the UK emerges as the ultimate destination to cultivate your child's academic prowess...

The New BPJS Implementation System

President Joko Widodo has officially issued Regulation of the President No. 59 of 2024 on the Third Amendment to Regulation of the President No. 82 of 2018 on Health Insurance ("RP 59/2024"). Under this regulation, several changes have been made to the BPJS system, specifically the dismissal of the class system in BPJS and the adjustment of BPJS members'...

Schinder Law Firm and Sun Lawyers LLP Form Strategic Cooperation

On 8 May 2024, Indonesia' Schinder Law Firm and Hong Kong's Sun Lawyers LLP held a meaningful ceremony to sign a strategic cooperation agreement, officially embarking on a deep collaboration and win-win path in the field of international legal services. The ceremony was attended by Schinder Law Firm's...

Schinder Law Firm Expands to London: Your Gateway to Global Excellence

Schinder Law Firm is thrilled to announce the opening of our new office in London, United Kingdom. This significant milestone marks a pivotal moment in our global expansion strategy and reflects our ongoing commitment to meeting the complex needs of our international clients with personalized, top-tier services...

Sanctions and Compliance with Indonesia's Personal Data Protection Law (UU PDP) by October 16, 2024

The sanctions associated with Indonesia's Personal Data Protection Law (UU PDP) will become fully enforceable on October 16, 2024. President Joko Widodo signed into law UU No 27 Tahun 2022, also known as Indonesia's Personal Data Protection Law (UU PDP), on October 17, 2022. This law requires every individual, public entity, and international organization processing the personal data...

Strengthening Investment Security in Southeast Asia: Schinder Law Firm's Strategic Alliance with Chinese Legal Experts

In the rapidly evolving business landscape of Southeast Asia, securing investments has emerged as a paramount concern for global companies eyeing opportunities in the region. At Schinder Law Firm, we uphold the philosophy that "effective risk management leads to greater returns." Recognizing the importance of navigating legal terrains...